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Fig. 4 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 4

From: Effect of stress urinary incontinence on vaginal microbial communities

Fig. 4

LEfSe analysis of taxonomy with significant differences in abundance among groups. (A) The histogram displays the LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) values, highlighting biomarkers with statistical differences (LDA > 4) between the two groups, and the length of each bar in the histogram represents the influence of the species with a significant difference. (B) Evolutionary branching diagram. Taxonomic levels from phylum to genus are represented by circles that radiate from the center outward. Groups of biomarkers of divergent species are colored, with red nodes denoting microbial taxa, green nodes denoting microbial taxa that play an important role in the SUI group, and purple nodes denoting the Non-SUI group of that species. Species with no significant differences are colored uniformly yellow-green, and the diameter of the circle is proportional to the relative abundance size. The legend on the right shows the names of the species that are denoted by the letters in the illustration. (C) Comparison of the abundance of biomarkers in each sample among SUI and Non-SUI.

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