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Fig. 7 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 7

From: Rapid intestinal and systemic metabolic reprogramming in an immunosuppressed environment

Fig. 7

Primary bile acids conjugation changes after 2-day drug treatment. A) Pathway of bile acid conjugation in live, serum and gut lumen. Illustration adapted from KEGG primary bile acid biosynthesis pathway (map00120) [45]. B) Metabolite TCA and GCA concentration in serum and conversion ratio of taurine to TCA and of GCA to glycine. The ROC curve used to calculate area under curve (AUC) as a metric quantifying the overall ability of the metabolite to correctly classify the experimental conditions. Closest to top-left core of ROC (red dot) as the optimal cutoff value, shown in bargraph (red line). P value was calculated using 2-sample t-tests between tacrolimus and control groups and displayed atop the boxplots. Black points representing mice, horizontal line representing mean, yellow dots presenting median, the top and bottom of the box are the lower and upper quartile. Abbreviations: CA: cholic acid; GCA: glycocholic acid; TCA: taurocholic acid

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