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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of study cohorts

From: Increased bacterial taxonomic and functional diversity is associated with impaired rotavirus vaccine immunogenicity in infants from India and Malawi







Caesarean delivery

62/283 (21.9)

0 (0.0)

Birthweight (kg), mean (s.d.)

2.96 (0.43)

3.02 (0.45)


152 (49.5)

60 (50.4)

Polio vaccine schedule

 Trivalent OPV

51 (18.0)

 Mixed trivalent/bivalent OPVa

56 (19.8)

 Bivalent OPVa

84 (29.7)

58 (100.0)


92 (32.5)

Exclusive breastfeeding up to 11 weeks of life

243 (85.9)

53 (91.4)

Exposed to antibiotics up to 14 weeks of life

204 (72.1)

43 (74.1)

HIV status


0 (0.0)

15 (25.9)


275 (97.2)

41 (70.7)


8 (2.8)

0 (0.0)

Neonatal rotavirus infectionc

149/281d (53.0)

6/47d (12.8)

Seroconverted to ORV

78/282d (27.7)

10/56d (17.9)

Shed ORV at week of life 7 (1 week after dose 1)

74/281d (26.3)

21/47d (44.7)

RV-IgA at week of life 6 (before dose 1), GM (95% CI)

7.3 (5.9–9.1)e

3.4 (2.5–4.6)

RV-IgA at week of life 14 (4 weeks after dose 2), GM (95% CI)

18.9 (14.9–23.9)

6.4 (4.0–10.2)

  1. Data are n (%) unless otherwise stated. Seroconversion was defined as detection of RV-IgA at ≥ 20 IU/ml post-vaccination among infants who were seronegative at baseline or a fourfold increase in RV-IgA concentration among infants who were seropositive at baseline. Neonatal rotavirus infection was defined as the detection of wild-type rotavirus shedding in week of life 1 and/or baseline seropositivity (pre-vaccination RV-IgA ≥ 20 IU/ml)
  2. GM geometric mean, IPV inactivated poliovirus vaccine, OPV oral poliovirus vaccine, ORV oral rotavirus vaccine, RV rotavirus
  3. aEnrolment spanned the global transition from trivalent to bivalent OPV in April 2016
  4. bA sequentially recruited cohort in India received IPV instead of OPV at 6 and 10 weeks of age
  5. cAmong 149 Indian infants with neonatal infection, 120 (80.5%) were positive for wild-type rotavirus shedding in week of life 1, 90 were seropositive for RV-IgA at week of life 6 (60.4%), with an overlap of 61 (40.9%) positive via both methods
  6. dInfants with missing data excluded
  7. dAmong neonatally infected infants, RV-IgA GM (95% CI) was 23.8 (18.0–31.7) before vaccination