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Table 1 The expression levels of cytokine of vaginal epithelial cells after co-incubation with farnesol

From: The fungal quorum-sensing molecule, farnesol, regulates the immune response of vaginal epithelial cells against Candida albicans


L-2 (pg/mL)

IL-4 (pg /L)

IL-6 (pg /L)

IL-8 (pg /L)

IL-17 (pg /L)


46.81 ± 3.07

37.65 ± 0.85

27.96 ± 0.15

29.86 ± 0.55

60.03 ± 2.71

 V + F50

50.42 ± 2.81

25.58 ± 0.88

24.17 ± 0.20

21.94 ± 1.70

36.87 ± 2.45

 V + C

38.48 ± 2.84

23.12 ± 0.76

18.91 ± 0.65

12.41 ± 0.06

30.65 ± 1.87

 V + C + F25

28.86 ± 2.45

28.25 ± 0.89

17.91 ± 1.18

9.95 ± 0.43

24.81 ± 2.14

 V + C + F50

21.22 ± 2.26

34.50 ± 0.49

16.80 ± 0.83

9.82 ± 0.90

46.88 ± 1.89

  1. * V, VK2 cells cultivated alone; V + F50, cultured with 50µM farnesol alone; V + C, VK2 cells infected with C. albicans for 12 h; V + C + F25/50, VK2 cells infected as well as treated with 25/50µM farnesol for another 24 h. Cytokine levels of the supernatants were measured after 36 h for all the treatments