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Table 1 Biochemical characterization of BE11 bacterial isolate using the VITEK system (BioMérieux, France)

From: Antibacterial activity of exopolysaccharide produced by bee gut-resident Enterococcus sp. BE11 against marine fish pathogens





D-amygdalin (AMY)


D-galactose (dGAL)


Phosphatidylinositol phospholipase c (PIPLC)


D-ribose (dRIB)


D-xylose (dXYL)


L-lactate alkalinization (ILATK)


Arginine dihydrolase 1 (ADH1)


Lactose (LAC)


Beta-galactosidase (BGAL)


N-acetyl-d-glucosamine (NAG)


Alpha-glucosidase (AGLU)


D-maltose (dMAL)


Ala-phe-pro arylamidase (APPA)


Bacitracin resistance (BACI)


Cyclodextrin (CDEX)


Novobiocin resistance (NOVO)


L-aspartate arylamidase (AspA)


Growth in 6.5% NaCl (NC6.5)


Beta galactopyranosidase (BGAR)


D-mannitol (dMAN)


Alpha-mannosidase (AMAN)


D-mannosE (dMNE)


Phosphatase (PHOS)


Methyl-b-d-glucopyranoside (MBdG)


Leucine arylamidase (LeuA)


Pullulan (PUL)


L-proline arylamidase (ProA)


D-raffinose (dRAF)


Beta glucuronidase (BGURr)


O/129 resistance (comp.vibrio.) (O129R)


Alpha-galactosidase (AGAL)


Salicin (SAL)


L-pyrrolydonyl-arylamidase (PyrA)


Saccharose/Sucrose (SAC)


Beta-glucuronidase (BGUR)


D-trehalose (dTRE)


Alanine arylamidase (AlaA)


Arginine dihydrolase 2 (ADH2s)


Tyrosine arylamidase (TyrA)


Optochin resistance (OPTO)


D-sorbitol (dSOR)


Urease (URE)


Polymixin b resistance (POLYB)

