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Fig. 2 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 2

From: Prediction and validation of novel SigB regulon members in Bacillus subtilis and regulon structure comparison to Bacillales members

Fig. 2

Flowchart of the reconstruction of species-specific SigB promoter binding motif for other species belonging to the order of Bacillales. All SigB PBMs were predicted using the MEME Suite version 5.0.5 [35, 36], and MAST was used to screen the genome for a potential SigB PBM, as described by Wels et al. [32, 33]. The letter N indicates the number of base pairs present in the spacer region. STD stands for the standard motif, which was built based on all the listed SigB regulon genes on Subtiwiki up to October 2020 [13]. The Bacillales SigB promoter binding motif consensus was acquired from the predicted species-specific SigB PBM from the 125 Bacillales genomes, including the B. subtilis 168 strain

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