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Fig. 7 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 7

From: Patterns of yeast diversity distribution and its drivers in rhizosphere soil of Hami melon orchards in different regions of Xinjiang

Fig. 7

Redundancy analysis (RDA) of (a) the correlation between the yeast community and soil physicochemical properties in all samples from three regions of Xinjiang, and (b) the correlation between the yeast community and climate factors at the genus level. Red, blue, and green symbols represent samples from SX, EX, and NX, respectively. Red and black arrows represent the soil parameters and genera, respectively. Soil physicochemical properties: pH, Conductivity (CO), Organic matter (OM), Total nitrogen (TN), Total phosphorus (TP), Total potassium (TK), Available nitrogen (AN), Available phosphorus (AP), Available potassium (AK). Climate factors: Average annual precipitation (PRECTP), Average annual temperature (TEMP), Average annual land surface temperature (LST), Average annual relative humidity (RH), The annual average net solar radiation intensity received by the earth’s surface (SWGNT)

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