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Fig. 2 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 2

From: Bacterial community structure alterations within the colorectal cancer gut microbiome

Fig. 2

Healthy and CRC Taxonomic Profiling. a. Random Forest Classifier (RFC) ROC showing an AUC = 0.87. b. Seventeen statistically significant (MWU-FDR qvalue< 0.05) ‘important’ species from 100 RFCs compared to a random feature. c. Classification accuracy of 100 RFCs using either all species or the 17 significantly ‘important’ species. d. Distribution of total oral microbes within Healthy and CRC sample groups. A significantly (MWU pvalue< 0.05) greater total population of oral microbes were found in the CRC-associated gut microbiome. Bacterial species were classified as oral microbes by using the expanded Human Oral Microbe Database (eHOMD)

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