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Table 1 Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study

From: Characterization of pneumococcal Ser/Thr protein phosphatase phpP mutant and identification of a novel PhpP substrate, putative RNA binding protein Jag


Genotype or description



S. pneumoniae

  Sp1 (Rx1)

unencapsulated wild-type, str1; hexA



Cm, stkP::cm



Cm, divIVA::cm






Kan, phpP::kan rpsL

This work



This work


Tet, ΔphpP bga::PZn-phpP

This work


Tet, ΔphpP bga::PZn-gfp-phpP

This work


Kan, ΔphpP divIVA::kan rpsL

This work


ΔphpP ΔdivIVA

This work


Erm, ΔdivIVA pMU-P96-divIVA-flag

This work


Erm, ΔlocZ pMU-P96-flag-locZ

This work


Kan, phpP::kan rpsL (reverted from Sp113)

This work


wild-type (reverted from Sp113)

This work


Tet, ΔphpP bga::PZn -gfp-phpP-D192A

This work


Tet, ΔphpP bga::PZn -gfp-phpP-D231A

This work



This work


Tet, Δjag bga::PZn -jag-flag-T89A

This work


Tet, Δjag bga::PZn -jag-flag

This work

E. coli


F- Φ80lacZΔM15 Δ(lacZYA-argF) U169 recA1 endA1 hsdR17 (rk-, mk+) phoA supE44 λ- thi-1 gyrA96 relA1



F- ompT gal [dcm][lon] hsdSB (rB- mB-) (DE3)




Amp, tet, bgaA, PZn-gfp+



Amp, tet, bgaA, PZn-phpP

This work


Amp, tet, bgaA, PZn -flag-locZ

This work


Amp, tet, bgaA, PZn-gfp-phpP



Amp, tet, bgaA, PZn -gfp-phpP-D192A

This work


Amp, tet, bgaA, PZn -gfp-phpP-D231A

This work


Amp, tet, bgaA, PZn -jag-flag-T89A

This work


Amp, tet, bgaA, PZn -jag-flag

This work


Kan, phpP-D231A



Erm, empty vector



Erm, P96-divIVA-flag

This work


Erm, P96-flag-locZ

This work

  Janus cassette

Kan, kan-rpsL +


  1. Amp ampicillin resistance marker, cm chloramphenicol resistance marker, kan kanamycin resistance marker, tet tetracycline resistance marker, erm erythromycin resistance marker