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Figure 1 | BMC Microbiology

Figure 1

From: A pentaplex PCR assay for the rapid detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Panton-Valentine Leucocidin

Figure 1

Pentaplex PCR assay profile with reference strains. M, 100-bp marker; lane 1, negative control; lane 2, Staphylococcal positive control; lane 3, ATCC 33591 (16S rRNA, fem A-S. aureus, mec A); lane 4, ATCC 33592 (16S rRNA, fem A-S. aureus, mec A); lane 5, ATCC 43300 (16S rRNA, fem A-S. aureus, mec A); lane 6, ATCC 25923 (16S rRNA, fem A-S. aureus, luk S); lane 7, ATCC 49775 (16S rRNA, fem A-S. aureus, luk S); lane 8, ATCC 51153 (16S rRNA, fem A-S. aureus); lane 9, CoNS methicillin-resistant clinical isolate (16S rRNA, mec A); lane 10, ATCC 14990 (16S rRNA); lane 11, ATCC 29970 (16S rRNA); lane 12, ATCC 13518 (16S rRNA); M, 100-bp marker

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