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Table 1 Survival of re-isolated bacteroids following stress application

From: Pleiotropic effects of a rel mutation on stress survival of Rhizobium etli CNPAF512

Conditions tested



Wild type




10 mM H 2 O 2 (30 min) a

97.22% (4.81%)

26.25% (5.30%)

95.00% (7.07%)

10 mM H 2 O 2 (60 min)

91.24% (9.11%)

20.00% (7.07%)

95.00% (7.07%)

45°C (30 min)

8.11% (0.58%)

19.92% (4.83%)

13.00% (4.24%)

45°C (60 min)

1.41% (0.29%)

9.00% (1.41%)

3.40% (1.98%)

2.5 M NaCl (90 min)

12.97% (4.52%)

26.00% (2.12%)

10.76% (1.47%)

2.5 M NaCl (240 min)

6.10% (1.88%)

15.67% (3.77%)

6.90% (3.82%)

  1. a As described in the materials and methods section, bacteroids isolated from three different plants 35 days after inoculation were pooled for one sample. Three samples were tested for each strain (9 plants). Stresses applied were 10 mM H2O2 for 30 or 60 min, heat stress (45°C) for 30 or 60 min and high salt concentration (final concentration 2.5 M NaCl) for 90 or 240 min. Standard deviations are in parentheses. Values (CFU per gram nodule) of the control sample are 2.40E+09 (8.95E+08) (wild type), 2.20E+08 (4.69E+07) (CMPG8705) and 1.05E+09 (2.26E+08) (CMPG8705/pCMPG8715). A representative data set of the results obtained during repeats of the experiment is shown.