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Table 3 Primer sequence used in PCR.

From: Detection of excretory Entamoeba histolytica DNA in the urine, and detection of E. histolytica DNA and lectin antigen in the liver abscess pus for the diagnosis of amoebic liver abscess

Genus specific primers (First PCR)

Entamoeba genus

E-1 5' TAAGATGCACGAGAGCGAAA 3' (forward primer)

E-2 5' GTACAAAGGGCAGGGACGTA 3' (reverse primer)

Species specific primers (Second nested multiplex PCR)

E. histolytica species

EH-1 5' AAGCATTGTTTCTAGATCTGAG 3' (forward primer)

EH-2 5' AAGAGGTCTAACCGAAATTAG 3' (reverse primer)

E. moshkovskii species

Mos-1 5' GAAACCAAGAGTTTCACAAC 3' (forward primer)

Mos-2 5' CAATATAAGGCTTGGATGAT 3' (reverse primer)

E. dispar species

ED-1 5' TCTAATTTCGATTAGAACTCT 3' (forward primer)

ED-2 5' TCCCTACCTATTAGACATAGC 3' (reverse primer)

Internal amplification control (IAC) primer for PCR

Human 18S ribosomal RNA gene

IAC-1 5' GGCTTTGGTGACTCTAGATA 3' (forward primer)

IAC-2 5' CGTTAAAGGATTTAAAGTGG 3' (reverse primer)