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Figure 3 | BMC Microbiology

Figure 3

From: Infection- and procedure-dependent effects on pulmonary gene expression in the early phase of influenza A virus infection in mice

Figure 3

Expression changes in mock-treated and infected DBA/2J (left column) and C57BL/6J (right column) mice in the 10 target host mRNAs in the 5-day time course of IAV infection. Analysis of the same data set as used for Figure 2. Panels show fold change expression, determined by qRT-PCR, of Fos (A, B), Retnla (C, D), Irg1 (E, F), Il6 (G, H), Il1b (I, J), Cxcl10 (K, L), Stat1 (M, N), Ifng (O, P), Ifnl2 (Q, R), and Mx1 (S, T) mRNA. Fold change data of Ifnl2 represent an underestimation, as a Ct of 40 was assigned to all samples with Ct >40 (see Methods section). Solid lines, mice intranasally infected with 1x103 ffu of IAV strain PR8_Mun; interrupted lines, mice undergoing the same anesthesia/infection procedure except that buffer only, not containing virus, was used for intranasal installation (mock treatment). *, p ≤0.05 for difference between infected mice at the given time point with respect to t = 0 h; ∆, p ≤0.05 for difference between mock treated and control (t = 0 h) mice; ‡, p ≤0.05 for difference between infected and mock treated mice at the given time point. All p values were determined with Tukey’s test.

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