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Figure 1 | BMC Microbiology

Figure 1

From: Infection- and procedure-dependent effects on pulmonary gene expression in the early phase of influenza A virus infection in mice

Figure 1

Weight loss and expression of IAV HA mRNA throughout the 5-day time course after mock treatment or infection with IAV strain PR8_MUN as outlined in the Methods section. A. Weight loss, expressed as the percentage of body weight measured at t = 0 h before administration of anesthesia. No mice had to be killed because of >30% weight loss. B. Relative quantification of IAV HA mRNA in mouse lung by qRT-PCR in the 5-day time course shown in panel A. dCt refers to Ctreference – Cttarget mRNA, where Ctreference corresponds to the arithmetic mean of the Ct values of Actb and Rpl4. Solid lines, infection; interrupted lines, mock treatment. Left panels, DBA/2J strain; right panels, C57BL/6J strain. Note that the x-axes of the panels are based on different scales. *, p ≤0.05 for difference with respect to t = 0 h; ‡, p ≤0.05 for difference between mock-treated and infected mice at the given time point (Tukey’s test).

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