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Fig. 2 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 2

From: Integrative metagenomic analysis reveals distinct gut microbial signatures related to obesity

Fig. 2

Characteristics of the gut virus catalogue and gut viral communities in obesity. A, B, C Comparison of α diversity (Shannon index; A, gene richness B) and β diversity (Bray-Curtis similarity index C) of viral community between the obesity and the control group. D PCoA analysis based on Bray-Curtis distance, with PERMANOVA used to assess differences in viral composition between the obesity and control groups. E Percentage of different viral families in the virome. F Relative abundance of the top 10 viral families. G Percentage of different phage hosts in the overall composition. H Boxplot of the GC content of phages. The x-axis representing the corresponding hosts at the phylum level. The x-axis representing the phage hosts at the phylum level. (I) vOTUs differentially enriched between the two groups obtained through LEfSe analysis (LDA > 2, p < 0.01)

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