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Fig. 3 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 3

From: Uncovering the complexity of childhood undernutrition through strain-level analysis of the gut microbiome

Fig. 3

Topological features of the GM co-occurrence networks in the HC and UN patients. Plot a and b describe the GM co-occurrence networks in the HC and UN, respectively. The number of nodes and edges for the networks are labeled under each plot. Each circle stands for a strain, and its diameter represents the abundance of the strain. The lines stand for the correlations among the strains, while the positive correlations were marked with red color. Plot c and d describe the degree distributions of the nodes for the GM networks in the HC and UN groups. Plot e, f, g, h, and i exhibited the average degree, average path length, clustering coefficient, graph density, and modularity in the UN and HC groups, respectively

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