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Fig. 1 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 1

From: Uncovering the complexity of childhood undernutrition through strain-level analysis of the gut microbiome

Fig. 1

GM features in the UN patients. a PCoA with Bray-Curtis distances among samples. Each spot stands for a sample, and the circles contain samples with a 90\(\%\) confidence interval for the groups. Red and blue colors stand for the UN and HC children, respectively. b Shannon diversity in the UN and HC children. The red and blue violins stand for the distributions of Shannon indices in the UN and HC groups, respectively. c Comparison of the top 5 abundant species between the UN and HC children. Each plot contained a species; the red and blue boxes stand for the UN and HC groups, respectively. d Comparison of the top 10 abundant strains between the UN and HC children. The red and blue columns stand for the UN and HC groups, respectively. *, Padj < 0.05; **, Padj < 0.01; ***, Padj < 0.001

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