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Fig. 3 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 3

From: Composition of mucus- and digesta-associated bacteria in growing pigs with and without diarrhea differed according to the presence of colonic inflammation

Fig. 3

Bi-plot of principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) for log-transformed Bray–Curtis dissimilarity matrix between digesta and mucus A. Variance in Bray–Curtis dissimilarity explained by two most variable axis is presented as percent of total variance. Graph-based analysis of the distributions in bacterial composition in mucus vs. digesta B. Color of nodes represents sample type, and their shapes stand for diarrheal status. The graph is based on Bray–Curtis dissimilarity matrix with maximum distance of 0.35. The histogram of permutation test based on minimum spanning tree (MST) is presented. Ordination plots of samples extracted from the fitted dbRDA model for log-transformed Bray–Curtis dissimilarity matrix in digesta (C; R2 = 0.15, P < 0.01) and mucosal (D; R2 = 0.10, P = 0.02). The numbers on dbRDA axis for plot C and D represent the proportion of the variation in the fitted data explained by that given axis and it is higher than that relative to the total variation

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