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Table 8 Effect of Oxaliplatin, free CDA, and CDA-Dextran conjugates on Antioxidant and oxidative stress biomarkers measured in EAC solid tissue All values are presented as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA (F-test). Statistical significance was defined as a p-value ≤0.05, indicating significant difference

From: Aspergillus Niger thermostable Cytosine deaminase-dextran conjugates with enhanced structure stability, proteolytic resistance, and Antiproliferative activity

Biochemical parameters

MDA (nmol/g tissue)

NO(umol/g tissue)

GSH (ug/g tissue)

Positive control (EAC bearing) without any treatments

182.7 ± 35.4

79.2 ± 4.5

67.70 ± 2.67

EAC + Oxaliplatin

91.6 ± 8.4*

68.3 ± 4.0*

70.64 ± 2.98*

EAC + Free CDA

61.9 ± 4.9*

60.9 ± 1.8*

73.66 ± 1.92*

EAC + Dextran-CDA

49.4 ± 4.8*

49.8 ± 4.2*

73.75 ± 1.877*

  1. Values are represented as mean ± SEM, where n = 10
  2. * indicates a statistically significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) compared to the positive control group