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Fig. 9 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 9

From: Development and validation of a CRISPR interference system for gene regulation in Campylobacter jejuni

Fig. 9

TEM visualisation of M1Cam CRISPRi transformants targeting flgR, flaA, flaB and flaA/flaB. TEM analysis showed that CRISPRi transformants M1Cam flgR_913 (B), and flaAB_1034 (E) showed different phenotypes in comparison to M1Cam (A). M1Cam flgR_913 showed an aflagellate phenotype with some individuals exhibiting bipolar flagella (B). M1Cam flaA_761 (C) an M1Cam flaB_1592 (D) showed no difference in phenotype compared to M1Cam, and M1Cam flaAB_1034 showed short bipolar or single flagella (E). TEM images displayed were selected as representative examples of images taken from 3 biological replicates. Scale bar = 500 nm

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