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Fig. 3 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 3

From: Whole-genome sequencing-based phylogeny, antibiotic resistance, and invasive phenotype of Escherichia coli strains colonizing the cervix of women in preterm labor

Fig. 3

Visualization of pangenome analysis comparing cervical colonizing E. coli isolates with representative neonatal E. coli invasive strains. Legend: A is a circular representation of all isolates included in the analyses. The innermost circle represents the position of all features on the pangenome. Rings 2 and 3 show the GC skew and content, respectively. Ring 4 represents the pangenome, separated by a black ring from the reference RS218 sequence (ring 6), and the sequences of all additional isolates (rings 7-17). B C are linear representations of the above comparisons. Figure 3B highlights the location of the ibeA gene, which is relevant to the pathogenesis of neonatal meningitis [27,28,29]. C shows the presence of the iroBCDEN genes relevant to the synthesis and processing of salmochelin, a siderophore involved in the pathogenesis of invasive E. coli infections [30]. The location of these specific genes is indicated by a black oval in B C

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