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Fig. 5 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 5

From: Ecology impacts the decrease of Spirochaetes and Prevotella in the fecal gut microbiota of urban humans

Fig. 5

Community structure for humans and catarrhines . Samples ordinated by microbial Bray-Curtis dissimilarity showed a pattern of microbial composition dictated more by ecology than by host phylogeny, when comparing catarrhine monkeys to Hominidae individuals. The plot show host animals colored by phylogeny, and location for the humans. The first ordination axis separates the humans from the non-human species, while the second axis separates the westernized and rural human samples. The ordination is unconstrained principal coordinates analysis made with vegan::capscale, with dist = “bray”, metaMDS = F. Percentages given at each axis present the proportion of variance explained on the axis

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