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Table 3 Sensitivity and specificity of the protocol we developed. Data refer to the 24 stool samples spiked with 100 viral particles per 100 mg. The 95 % confidence interval is reported in brackets. A sample is considered positive if a single RT-qPCR replicate with Ct < 40 is detected for either the N1 or N2 primer set

From: An optimised protocol for detection of SARS-CoV-2 in stool

Regions of N gene amplified

Sensitivity (N = 24)

Specificity (N = 24)


24/24 (100 %, CI = 86–100)

24/24 (100 %, CI = 86–100)


24/24 (100 %, CI = 86–100)

24/24 (100 %, CI = 86–100)