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Fig. 5 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 5

From: Characteristics and variation of fecal bacterial communities and functions in isolated systolic and diastolic hypertensive patients

Fig. 5

Fecal microbial gene functions were differently enriched between control and IDH, control and ISH. a-c NMDS, PCA, and PCoA plots based on the relative abundance of KEGG modules in groups. Marginal significant (P < 0.1) differences between control (con) and IDH were established at NMDS1, PCA2, and PCoA1; Kruskal-Wallis test. d Heat map showing the top 30 differential KEGG modules in control and IDH. The abundance profiles were expressed by Z scores. The Z score was negative (shown in blue) when the row abundance was lower than the mean and is shown in red when the row abundance was higher than the mean. e Heat map showing the 12 differential KEGG modules between control and ISH

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