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Fig. 4 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 4

From: Helicobacter pylori infection is correlated with the incidence of erosive oral lichen planus and the alteration of the oral microbiome composition

Fig. 4

Comparative analysis of the salivary microbiome composition between the OLP− (n = 9) and OLP+ (n = 21) groups. a Comparative analysis of the salivary microbiome composition at the phylum and (b) the genus levels between the OLP− and OLP + groups. c Comparative analysis of the salivary microbiome composition between the OLP− and OLP+ groups (average relative abundance > 1% in the two groups). d Volcano plot analysis of salivary microbiome composition between the OLP− and OLP+ groups. The p-value was calculated using the t-test. According to the results shown in panel (c), bacteria with a relative abundance greater than 1% were selected and marked as key bacteria. e Heat map showing the relative abundance of the key bacteria for sampled individuals of the community subgroups

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