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Table 2 Quality audit of the insertion of a urinary catheter

From: A prospective study on the pathogenesis of catheter-associated bacteriuria in critically ill patients


% of answers in accordance with recommendations

Knowledge of protocol

100% (10/10)

Two people performing urinary catheterization

80% (8/10)

Genital cleaning

100% (10/10)

 Sterile single-dose plain soap

70% (7/10)

 Non-sterile plain soap

10% (1/10)

 Chlorhexidine scrub

20% (2/10)

Hand hygiene before genital cleaning

100% (10/10)

Alcohol-based hand rubbing

50% (5/10)

 Plain soap handwashing

20% (2/10)

 Antiseptic soap handwashing

30% (3/10)

 Use of vinyl gloves

100% (10/10)

Hand hygiene after genital cleaning

80% (8/10)

Alcohol-based hand rubbing

50% (4/8)

 Plain soap handwashing

25% (2/8)

 Antiseptic soap handwashing

25% (2/8)

Installer: mask, hygiene cap, disposable apron

100% (10/10)

Antisepsis of urinary meatus with sterile gloves

100% (10/10)

 Dakin solution

80% (8/10)

 Chlorexhidine 0.05% (sterile single dose)

20% (2/10)

Hand hygiene after sterile glove removal

100% (10/10)

Alcohol-based hand rubbing

50% (5/10)

 Plain soap handwashing

20% (2/10)

 Antiseptic soap handwashing

20% (2/10)

Sterile urinary catheterization

100% (10/10)

Hand hygiene after catheterization

90% (9/10)

Alcohol-based hand rubbing

56% (5/9)

 Plain soap handwashing

22% (2/9)

 Antiseptic soap handwashing

22% (2/9)

Securing the collector bag in a sloping position

100% (10/10)

Traceability = date of catheterization

 On collector bag

100% (10/10)

 In patient file

90% (9/10)

  1. 10 observations were made by one investigator of 10 consecutive catheterizations. The audit grid was established in accordance with national recommendations [4]