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Table 1 Demographics and baseline characteristics of COVID-19 patients

From: Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in fecal samples with different pretreatment methods and PCR kits


All patients (n = 90)(%)

Age-median (IQR)

46 (35–59)

Age groups–No. (%)

  < 30 y

15 (16.67)

 30–49 y

42 (46.67)

 50–69 y

25 (27.78)

  ≥ 70 y

8 (8.89)

Gender–No. (%)


42 (46.67)


48 (53.33)

Severity of illness–No. (%)

 Asymptomatic infection

6 (6.67)

 Mild illness

9 (10.00)

 Moderate illness

51 (56.67)

 Severe illness

18 (20.00)

 Critical illness

6 (6.67)

Days since the onset of illness to sampling–No. (%)

  ≤ 7 days

23 (25.56)

 7–14 days

43 (47.78)

  > 14 days

22 (24.44)

 Not known

2 (2.22)

Fecal sample category (Bristol Stool Scale)–No. (%)

 Anal swabs

10 (11.11)

 Type 1–5

74 (82.22)

 Type 6

3 (3.33)

 Type 7

3 (3.33)



22 (24.44)

 Unemployed or housewife

14 (15.56)


8 (8.89)


8 (8.89)


7 (7.78)

 Business service

7 (7.78)


6 (6.67)


4 (4.44)

 Migrant worker

4 (4.44)

 Medical staff

3 (3.33)


7 (7.78)

  1. Abbreviations: COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease-19, IQR interquartile range