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Fig. 3 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 3

From: Experimental determination of evolutionary barriers to horizontal gene transfer

Fig. 3

Analyses of the selective barriers on HGT. The mean selective effects of 44 transferred S. Typhimurium genes expressed in E. coli background: a. divided into informational and operational genes based on functional categories; b. plotted against predicted number of PPIs; c. absolute deviation in %GC between orthologs; d. absolute deviation in codon usage between orthologs; e. gene length; f. number of disordered regions in the amino-acid sequences. All 5 factors given in a. to e. are used as explanatory variables in a multiple regression model (single p-values at the bottom right of each panel). e. We repeated the simple linear regression for the gene length as it was the only factor with a significant effect in the multiple regression. Black lines in e and f show the best fit for the simple linear regression between the two variables; gray dashed lines show the zero line

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