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Table 2 Grouping of Basidiomycota genera based on the barcode gap analyses (See Additional file 5 for more details)

From: Effectiveness of ITS and sub-regions as DNA barcode markers for the identification of Basidiomycota (Fungi)

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Genera for which all the three genetic regions are good markers

Genera for which one or two genetic regions showed a clearer barcode gap and are recommended over the other (s)

Genera for which most of the genetic regions showed intermediate barcode gap and their use should be carefully evaluated

Genera for which all three genetic regions are poor markers

Agaricus, Antherospora, Antrodia, Ceriporiopsis, Chroogomphus, Clavaria, Coprinopsis, Cystodermella, Datronia, Edoraecium, Entoloma, Entyloma, Exobasidium, Favolus, Fibroporia, Fuscoporia, Geastrum, Gloeophyllum, Helicobasidium, Hygrocybe, Hymenopellis, Hyphodermella, Lactifluus, Lepiota, Lepista, Leucopaxillus, Lycoperdon, Lyomyces, Lyophyllum, Melampsora, Neofavolus, Octaviania, Oligoporus, Phanerochaete, Phellinus, Phellodon, Piloderma, Polyporus, Porodaedalea, Psathyrella, Psilocybe, Puccinia, Pycnoporellus, Resinicium, Rhodocollybia, Russula, Sarcodon, Suillus, Telephora, Thecaphora, Tilletia, Tricholomopsis, Xerocomus, Xeromphalina

Amanita (ITS2), Amyloporia (ITS2), Antrodiella (ITS and ITS2), Auricularia (ITS), Calvatia (ITS and ITS1), Chlorophyllum (ITS and ITS1), Flammulina (ITS), Fomitopsis (ITS2), Ganoderma (ITS and ITS1), Gymnopilus (ITS and ITS1), Gymnopus (ITS and ITS1), Hygrophorus (ITS1), Lentinellus (ITS), Leucoagaricus (ITS and ITS1), Macrolepiota (ITS and ITS1), Megacollybia (ITS and ITS1), Microbotryum (ITS), Parasola (ITS), Postia (ITS and ITS2), Rigidoporus (ITS and ITS1), Scleroderma (ITS2), Stephanospora (ITS1), Strobilurus (ITS2), Tuberculina (ITS)

Alnicola, Armillaria, Boletus, Collybia, Cortinarius, Cystoderma, Hebeloma, Hydnellum, Hyphoderma, Hypholoma, Inocybe, Lentinus, Melanoleuca, Mycena, Paxillus, Pleurotus, Pluteus, Ramaria, Rhizopogon, Sebacina, Tomentella, Tricholoma, Trametes, Vulleminia

Butyriboletus, Clavulina, Crepidotus, Hohenbuehelia, Hydnum, Laccaria, Lactarius, Mucidula, Peniophorella, Phaeocollybia, Pisolithus