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Fig. 3 | BMC Microbiology

Fig. 3

From: Differential expression of Spiroplasma citri surface protein genes in the plant and insect hosts

Fig. 3

Comparison of the relative lipoprotein genes expression levels (-ΔΔCT) in graft-inoculated plants (GIP) and in leafhopper-infected plants (LIP). The -ΔΔCT value calculated for each host was obtained by subtracting the respective ΔCT of the target gene in the calibrator sample corresponding to axenic medium from those of the target gene in the host. Positive -ΔΔCT values indicate an up-regulation of the target gene, while a negative value indicates its down-regulation. Experiments were carried out on three independent biological replicates, each consisting of three replicate reactions. A change in │ΔΔCT│ in host versus axenic medium was considered as significant if superior to 1 (either above (up-regulated genes) or below (down-regulated) the dashed lines). Asterisks indicate genes, for which the expression level is significantly different in GIP and in LIP as determined using the Student’s t test (P < 0.05, │ΔΔCT│ > 1 in at least one host). Dashed bars indicate -ΔΔCT measured in GIP and light grey bars indicate the -ΔΔCT in LIP

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