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Table 2 Chrysanthemum yellows phytoplasma acquisition and inoculation efficiencies following artificial feeding

From: Role of the major antigenic membrane protein in phytoplasma transmission by two insect vector species


Macrosteles quadripunctulatus

Euscelidius variegatus

Acquisition efficiency

Inoculation efficiency

Acquisition efficiency

Inoculation efficiency


51.9 %a (106)

62.0 % (50)

44.2 %a (120)

51.0 % (49)


46.6 %ac (58)

72.0 % (25)

33.3 %ab (45)

54.5 % (11)

Antibody A416

15.6 %b (45)

50.0 % (4)

26.3 %bc (57)

53.8 % (13)

CYfAmp64-224 + Antibody A416

28.1 %bc (57)

92.3 % (13)

11.4 %c (44)

0.0 % (4)


63.5 %a (63)

72.5 % (40)

33.3 %abc (15)

75.0 % (4)

  1. Acquisition and inoculation efficiencies of chrysanthemum yellows phytoplasma (CYP) by Macrosteles quadripunctulatus and Euscelidius variegatus following artificial feeding in the presence and absence of proteins, and successive acquisition on CYP-infected plant. Acquisition efficiency: percentage of CYP-infected insects (PCR positive). Inoculation efficiency: percentage of CYP PCR positive plants following inoculation with CYP-infected insects. Within columns, figures followed by different letters differ significantly (Chi square test). Sample sizes in parenthesis