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Table 1 Ancestral and gacA mutant suppressors of Vibrio fischeri that map to three unique genetic loci

From: Spontaneous phenotypic suppression of GacA-defective Vibrio fischeri is achieved via mutation of csrA and ihfA

  1. aStrain number text is colored for easy identification of derivative gacA mutant background, where green denotes ∆gacA::Km, blue gacA::TnKm, and purple gacA::TnKm sup(ihfAS2) strains
  2. bSuppressors identified genotypically by superscript “sup” followed in brackets with the gene allele of the identified mutation
  3. cPosition relative to the first nucleotide of the start codon
  4. dDUP; duplication; Δ: deletion; + :insertion of single base