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Figure 4 | BMC Microbiology

Figure 4

From: Allelic diversity and phylogeny of homB, a novel co-virulence marker of Helicobacter pylori

Figure 4

Phylogenetic analysis of (A) segment 1 (nucleotides 1 to 750) and (B) segment 3 (nucleotides 1000 to 2000) for the pairs of homB and homA genes of 24 Helicobacter pylori strains carrying one copy of each gene. The branch length index is represented below each tree. Country of origin is located at the beginning of each strain designation (Pt, Portugal; Br, Brazil; Col, Colombia; BF, Burkina Faso) followed by the homB or homA status. In Fig. 4A, the dotted line separates the homB and homA clusters. The numbers next to the main nodes are bootstrap values over 75% after 1000 iterations.

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