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Figure 1 | BMC Microbiology

Figure 1

From: Microarray for serotyping of Bartonella species

Figure 1

A: Quality control of nanospotted antigens using 365 nm light exposure. Lane 1 spotsfrom top to bottom: Mouse IgG; B. bovis; B. quintana Oklahoma; B. capreoli; B. vinsonii vinsonii; Bartonella from Melomys. Lane 2 spotsfrom top to bottom: S. aureus protein A; B. clarridgeiae; B. rattimassiliensis; B. chomelii, B. phoceensis; Bartonella from Rattus cornuatus. Lane 3 spotsfrom top to bottom: BSA; B. elizabethae; B. tribocorum; B. doshiae; Bartonella from Macropus giganteus; Bartonella from Rattus leucopus. Lane 4 spotsfrom top to bottom: IgG goat AMCA; B. henselae Houston; B. vinsoni arupensis; B. grahami; Bartonella from Rattus tunei. Lane 5 spots from top to bottom: B. alsatica; B. henselae Marseille; B. vinsoni berkoffii; B. taylorii; Bartonella from Isoodonmacrouris. Lane 6 spotsfrom top to bottom: B. bacilliformis; B. koehlerae; B. birtlesii; B. schoenbuchensis; Bartonella from Uromys. 1B: Same slide incubated with monoclonal antibody P8G6 and reading at 470 nm showing cross reaction and specificity of P8G6.

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