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Table 3 Log-likelihood values and parameter estimates for the codon-based models of nucleotide substitutions

From: Sca 1, a previously undescribed paralog from autotransporter protein-encoding genes in Rickettsia species



Estimates of Parameters*

Predicted positively selected sites¶

M0 (one-ratio)


ω = 0.91


M1 (neutral)


ω0 = 0 (p0 = 0.46)

ω1 = 1 (p1 = 0.54)

Not allowed

M2 (selection)


ω0 = 0 (p0 = 0.42)

ω1 = 1 (p1 = 0.48)

ω2 = 5.96 (p2 = 0.01)


M3 (discrete)


ω0 = 0.06 (p0 = 0.56)

ω1 = 1.59 (p1 = 0.38)

ω2 = 7.61 (p2 = 0.06)


M7 (beta)


P = 0.024 q = 0.020

Not allowed

7M8 (beta + ω)


p = 0.024 q = 0.021 (p0 = 0.90)

ω = 5.75 (p1 = 0.10)

  1. * Sites attributed to the highest ω category with posterior probability > 0.90.
  2. ¶pi is the proportion of sites included in the site category.