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Figure 8 | BMC Microbiology

Figure 8

From: Morphology, ultrastructure, and molecular phylogeny of the ciliate Sonderia voraxwith insights into the systematics of order Plagiopylida

Figure 8

TEM pictures of Sonderia vorax: oral ciliature. A. Cross section of adoral membranelles. The kineties of the lower oral lip are perpendicularly inserted with respect to those of the upper oral lip. The complex system of fibers interconnecting the adjacent oral kineties and the kinetosomes within each kinety is also visible in E. B. Two cilia of a kinetiy of the upper oral lip connected at the basal bodies (arrows). C. Section at the very end of cytostome where the cortex is lacking. D. Composite micrograph obtained using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA, USA). Photomontage of two pictures to show the almost complete structure of oral opening and the presence in the deep oral zone of a bundle of cilia arising perpendicularly oriented with respect to the membranelle-like ciliary rows on the lower lip and extending towards the cytostomal region. E. Detail of the complex system of fibers interconnecting oral kineties. Abbreviations: bc, bundle of cilia; f, fibers; lol, lower oral lip; pd, pharyngeal discs; uol, upper oral lip. Scale bars = 2 μm.

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