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Figure 6 | BMC Microbiology

Figure 6

From: The ColRS system is essential for the hunger response of glucose-growing Pseudomonas putida

Figure 6

Profiles of the outer membrane proteins of the P. putida PaW85 (wt) and the colR -deficient (colR) strains under different growth conditions. OM proteins were purified from the solid medium-grown P. putida PaW85 (wt) and colR-deficient (colR) strains cultivated on the agar plate sectors as illustrated in Figure 5A. A. OM protein profiles of 24-hour-old peripheral subpopulations of bacteria grown on solid medium with 0.2, 0.4 or 0.8% glucose. Location of OprB1, OprE, and OprF is indicated by the arrows. B. OM protein profiles of peripheral and central subpopulations grown for 24 hours on 0.2% glucose solid medium. The quantified protein bands are indicated by the arrows. C. The ratio of OprB1 to OprF in different subpopulations of the P. putida wild-type and the colR mutant strains grown for 24 hours on 0.2% glucose solid medium. The OprB1/OprF ratio was calculated from the data obtained from at least two independent protein preparations and from three independent gel runs. Mean values and 95% confidence intervals are presented.

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